Put here broker provided credentials such as Key/Secret/UserID. This is your confidential data and should not be shared with anyone.
If Login To API is failed due to wrong credentials, you will get additional dialog box “Troubleshoot This”. It helps you diagnose broker specific API issues
Avoid consecutive order placement with same values: This rule
1.  LE (SE) cancels order from prev LE/LX (SE/SX): This rule can be used to manage open/pending/trig pending orders. Example: SS API Bridge places Limit order based on LE, but it does not gets filled. When a new LE signal is received (which could be at more opportunistic price), it will cancel the open Limit order sent via LE.
2.   LX (SX) cancels order from prev LE/LX (SE/SX): Similar to above rule used for order management based on LX/SX. Example: SS API Bridge places Limit order based on LE, but it does not gets filled. When a new LX signal is received, it will cancel the open Limit order sent via LE.
3.   LX/SX Send Quantity <= NetPos: This is very important rule to prevent wrong trades. Example: SS API Bridge places Limit order based on LE, but it does not gets filled. When a new LX signal is received, it will NOT send Sell order for LX, because the current NetPos is zero. If the order sent via LE was only partially filled, it will send LX with partial quantity only.
4.   LE place order only in NetPos <=0 & LE place order only in NetPos <=0: This is another important rule to prevent wrong trades. Suppose your trading strategy misfires and you are sending repeated LE trades. It will not process the consecutive LE when NetPos reaches more than 0. However, you can keep this rule un-checked if you want to scale-in to your trades.
5.   MaxProfit squares current position and cancels all open orders in particular symbol: Applicable only when MaxProfit is setup in Symbol Settings window. MaxProfit squareoff is based on the Unrealized MTM received via API. Note that MaxProfit does not stops trading; if fresh signals are received, they will be processed.
6.   MaxLoss squares current position and cancels all open orders in particular symbol: Applicable only when MaxLoss is setup in Symbol Settings window. MaxLoss squareoff is based on the Unrealized MTM received via API. Note that MaxLoss does not stops trading; if fresh signals are received, they will be processed.
7.   SquareOffAll button cancels all open orders: SquareOffAll is a panic button which squares off all positions, cancels all open orders (sent via SS API Bridge) and stops receiving any new signals.
8.   Time Based Square Off cancels all open orders: it squares off all positions, cancels all open orders (sent via SS API Bridge) and stops receiving any new signals.
Important: The signal rules may or may not be available based on the functionality provided by your Broker API. For details see API Errors.
Only if you are receiving Signals via Amibroker, you can set here the path for Amibroker.exe
If the Signals are received from Local PC only via application such as Amibroker/MT4/Python, tick Local Computer.
If you want to receive Signals from Admin, tick Admin.
Enter Default Strategy Tags: Only if you are trading in multiple strategies, enter comma separated tags. Example: STG2,STG3,STG4
Select Columns to be Displayed: applicable for the Symbol Settings window
Shows any strategy tags assigned by Admin for sending signals (listed under features). Also, you can see the type of license allowed with expiry date.
Change your password here - we recommend you to use a secure password
You can backup all your data (example when shifting to another computer). The automatic restore functionality is currently unavailable.